


1966年生,字慎之、号知行,辽宁师范大学毕业,师从杨仁恺先生三十年。集目鉴、比较、分析、考订、心性学等综合学科,建立“书画鉴定与心性学”学理。古书画鉴定家,书画家、学者,当代文人画家之代表,倡导“文人画之士人精神”。涉猎文、史、哲、诗、词等,创建“云庐艺社”学术机构。出版专著多种,发表论文300余篇,作品被耶鲁大学、剑桥大学、巴黎大学、香港中文大学,陕西历史博物馆、四川博物院、海南博物馆、三峡博物馆等国内外博物馆收藏,并应邀个展。中国人民大学文献书画保护与鉴定研究中心副主任、教授,云庐艺社社长,享受国务院专家津贴 。

Born in 1966, courtesy name Shenzhi and courtesy name Zhixing, graduated from Liaoning Normal University and studied under Mr. Yang Renkai for 30 years. Set up comprehensive disciplines such as catalogue identification, comparison, analysis, textual examination and psychology, and establish the academic principle of "painting and calligraphy identification and psychology". He is a connoisseur of ancient painting and calligraphy, a painter, a scholar, and a representative of contemporary literati painters. He advocates "the literati spirit of literati painting". He dabbled in literature, history, philosophy, poetry, Ci, etc., and founded the academic institution of "Yunlu Art Club". His works have been collected by Yale University, Cambridge University, University of Paris, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shaanxi History Museum, Sichuan Museum, Hainan Museum, Three Gorges Museum and other museums at home and abroad. He has also been invited for solo exhibitions. Professor, deputy director of the Research Center for Preservation and Identification of Literature, Painting and Calligraphy of Renmin University of China, president of Yunlu Art Club, enjoys the expert allowance of the State Council.


Painting a tiger is a famous artist. Song Baogui painted the tiger, the name of Zhensiyuan, his son Baoding, family learning, especially see the best. Xin Cheng work tiger, at that time the evaluation of its fierce potential. Zhao Miaobu has the tiger figure of Fu Ya, the battle sand, the roar of the wind, the lick of the palm and so on. He is called a master. Southern Song Fachang, occasionally to stick figure painting tiger, not less powerful. Ming has Zhao Lian, also good painting tiger, have "Zhao Hu" said. In modern times, Zhang Jigang made a statue for Lord Shan by virtue of his goodness and endowed him with character, while his fame was more important than time.


The two tigers in the picture are meticulous and vivid, both in shape and spirit, and their manners are vivid and detailed. And the interesting technique of expression, vivid reproduction of the female and male tigers want to return to the forest. After the tiger painting, not only exquisite skills, and the mood to see the win, this is the painting of the tiger is different from the pen.

责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华


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