


方孔钱是我国古代钱币中最常见的一种,是指中间有方孔的圆形钱币,由环形钱演变而来,成为我国古代铜钱的固定形式。圆形方孔钱在形制上完全符合“天圆地方”传统哲学观念,所以在中国通行了两千多年,无论是秦统一中国后颁行的半两钱、汉代通行的五铢钱,还是唐代以后通行 的各种“通宝”、“元宝”,在形制上都完全一样。由于历代帝王将相和文人艺术家的参与,使小小的钱币成为文化艺术的载体和结晶,拥有一段悠久而丰富的历史。

Square hole money is the most common kind of ancient coins in my country. It refers to a round coin with a square hole in the middle. It evolved from ring money and became a fixed form of ancient copper coins in my country. The shape of the round square hole money is completely in line with the traditional philosophy of the "round place", so it has been popular in China for more than two thousand years. The various "Tongbao" and "Yuanbao" that have been in use since the Tang Dynasty are exactly the same in form. Thanks to the participation of emperors, generals and literati artists, small coins have become a carrier and crystal of culture and art, and have a long and rich history.


Kangxi Tongbao, as the name implies, was a currency that was cast during the Qing ancestor Kangxi (1662-1722) and circulated in the Qing Dynasty. As one of the ancient coins in my country, Kangxi Tongbao is of great archaeological value. At that time, the social order was relatively stable, the economy developed rapidly, and trade and trade around the world were frequent, and the currency economy was also very developed. Therefore, the coins of Kangxi were usually very delicate, most of them were regular, the money was thick, and the text was beautiful and generous. Therefore, Kangxi Tongbao also has a certain artistic value.


Emperor Kangxi ordered Xuan Ye, who was born in the 11th year of Shunzhi (May 4, 1654), reigned for 61 years, and was the longest emperor in Chinese history. In the first year of Kangxi (1662), the Qing government ordered to stop casting the money of the "Shunzhi Tongbao" of the previous generation, and recast the "Kangxi Tongbao". It also stipulated that all subsequent reforms of the heirs will be the case. Throughout the Kangxi period, a total of 24 money-making bureaus were opened throughout the country. Due to the problems of the metallurgical casting cost and the private coin casting at that time, each Kangxi money once weighed four cents, one cent, and seven cents, respectively, which resulted in the large, medium, and large Three kinds of Kangxi Tongbao money with different weights. Kangxi Tongbao face-to-face regular script reads directly, memorizing the bureau, divided into "Manchu" and "Manchu Han", Manchu money imitates "Shunzhi four styles", Qianbei Manchu "Baoquan" and "Baoyuan" left reading , Is made by the two departments of households and workers. The Manchu Chinese money imitates the "five styles of Shunzhi", the left is the Manchu "treasure", and the right is the Chinese name. Later, for the convenience of collection and research, the names of the Manchu and Han dynasties were compiled together to form a rhyming and smooth Kangxi Qian's "reciting poems". Shi Yun: Tongfu Lindongjiang, Xuanyuan Su Jichang. Nanhe, Ningguang, Zhejiang, Taigui, Shaanxi, Yunzhang. This poem includes the 20 games of Qian Kangxi's "Kangxi Tongbao" Qian Beiman. Therefore, some people called Kangxi's money "20 poems."


In this "Kangxi Tongbao", the words "Kangxi Tongbao" are written in regular script on the front of the coin. The font is strong and powerful, and it is read directly from top to bottom and right to left, with a square hole in the middle. Write the name of the money bureau in Manchu on the left and right, that is, the word "Baoyuan" in Manchu script. It is a copper coin with a round square hole. It shines brightly under the sunlight. Looking at the picture, the shape is round and dignified, the writing is clear and deep, the paste is thick and warm. The overall printing is regular, the money is thick, the text is beautiful and generous, the coin face calligraphy pen is strong and beautiful, the carving is delicate, the rust color is natural and smooth, and the atmosphere is simple. Collection value and market value.


责任编辑:郭旭晖 龚丽华


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